Monday, November 12, 2018

Boomerangs Migrate

The Central American refugee issue is overtaking us as fear. It is being used by politicians to scare us. And rather than scratch below the surface of the mob pictures seething out of television sets, the audience is allowing reactionary fear to overcome reality.

The political refugees are coming here to avoid violence, poverty and corruption in their own countries. We have to ask ourselves, how bad would things have to be in your own country, for you to undertake this kind of trip. Years ago, we drove down to Costa Rica. There were hours of roadway with no places to stop and grab a bite to eat, get a hotel, any of the first world things we take for granted. Mountains, valleys, deserts, heat were part of the terrain. Thinking of traveling by foot through such a journey is horrific, and we had money for food, gas, hotels, and a safe truck.

Sending the refugees back will breed more hatred and desperation on their part. It will also load up the gangs that have a strong hold in Central America. The gangs offer protection and support to their members, and build up more hatred and anger to the richer nations.

If you are afraid of the refugees, be more afraid of not helping them.

We in the developed world are being needlessly pummeled with messages of fear. What we need to do is realize that our nation has a common ground, readily visible: We all want safety and the chance to pursue happiness. Safe and happy. Really, it's that easy.

And the way to this can be achieved in a way that serves us all. We can research opportunities to help the political migrants be secure in their own countries. Despite what the current President has stated, the U.S. is still providing money to Central America. The money is for issues that help their citizens: less violence, economic opportunities, food. Helping our neighbors where they live is what truly keeps us safe. Hiding in fear and relying on our military to block the borders breeds anger, resentment and chaos.

There is the argument that the countries should figure things out on their own. Yes, they should figure things out. We don't want to be full-time, forever babysitters. But until they can, they need help, not more problems in already unstable governments.

In the past, I have avoided writing about political issues. But the politics of our time can be solved through spiritual examples. When I look for spiritual guidance, I ask in the name of my highest good, and all of those connected to me. Where does my connection begin and end? It does not. Is it with my children, family, friends, town, county, state, city, country, world. What serves the world, serves my children and every thing in between. The U.S. is not an island. What we do comes back to us. If we are sending out safety, hope and support, it comes back to us. A boomerang of positive support returns with a peace that transpires through out the world.

Piper Peppertree learns that replacing fear with caring compassion can bring love as it's reward. 
And she is only inches high!

Heather Leigh,
Searching for common ground

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Keep Watering Your Flowered Spirit

Feeling a lag in your spiritual growth? Like others are racing ahead of you? The dogs are winning? Then you need to do an awareness check-in, because you are doing more than you realize. Here is list of examples:

Religion: you don't have to go to church. But if you are practicing anything positive from a religious teaching, recognize it. God is Love. Do you love anyone? Don't judge: ever thought how someone else feels? That is a utilization of non-judgment. Speak the truth: ever not lie? If so, you are on a spiritual high. Believe in something you can't see, then you have faith. Been kind, you are loving your neighbor. Sharing a family tradition is to honor your ancestors.

The everyday niceties that we often take for granted, can be a reflection of our religious values. Please note this applies to every religion that asks us to be good, do good.

Okay, now surely you have smiled in your lifetime, and even shared it. Did you know that smiling can incite the crazy reaction of causing others to feel good? And that that will spread as the smile recipient passes on those good vibes to others? Your grin is a seed of positivity, to the vibration of the world.

Ever taken a trip beyond your country, or even state? When you experience a different culture, you discover that there are other ways to do things. A broadened world view makes it difficult to believe that your way is the only way. Other cultures have existed rather well doing the same types of things, but in a different way. A ch-ching to the spiritual change purses includes acknowledging that we are all on the path to a higher, better self. And there is more than one way to get there.

The traveling bit is a two-way street. Any interactions you have with locals on your travels, will help them to see the same. It's all about coexistence, baby.

Being thankful is the Big Momma in the room. That brings abundance in two ways. When your spirit guides get to know what it is you appreciate, they know what more to bring. And, acknowledging what you are thankful for, helps reveal how much greatness exists in your life. Saying thank you boosts the energy field.  Double whammy win.

Often, the thing we hear about getting mad, is to count to three (or some king of pause) when you feel anger about to roar. This gives us the space needed to respond rather than react. Responding allows you to evaluate the situation, and search for a more creative way to handle whatever is being hurled at you. You don't get mired down in the muck of reacting. And as with any sport, the more you practice responding over reacting, the easier it gets with every stresser. Oh yum, life just got more fun. So when you have taken the pause moment, you are being some kind of awesome.

Know thyself. I have the perfect example for this one. Used to be, I lost my keys weekly. It's not a fun party to be running late, and discover that your keys have taken this time to do a Walk About. And as I have moved many times in my life, this problem became huge for me. So now, each place that I move into, the first thing I do is to hang up a key rack right next to the front door. It has become automatic for me to hang up the keys before doing anything else in the house. I know myself and my careless, key losing way, and found a good solution.

This small example demonstrates what peace there can be when you examine how you handle a situation that you want to change. What can you do differently? Before you can figure it out, you have to know yourself well enough to know how you contributed to the problem. Be your own creative solution.

Being of service can be as simple as opening the door for the person behind you, to donating a kidney. Wide bridge of possibilities that you have stood on many times. Remember to do the service without strings attached, and you have made a leapfrog sized bounce on your path.

Healthy food and body. Eaten a fruit or veggie this week, taken the stairs, skipped with a child? Taking care of yourself shows your body that you appreciate it. Go back to the section on appreciation and see why this is such a good thing.

Encouraged someone with words of support? You are wallowing in spiritual action.

Being a spiritual stair stepper is ingrained in you. Recognize what you already do. The world is a better place because you are in it.

Heather Leigh,
On a lifetime quest to do better, daily

Friday, February 16, 2018

Forced Family, Chosen Chums

How do we live with family? Different personalities within the framework of a shared biology. Each member with a personality that often conflicts with every other member. People who can dump their daily stress-crap onto your dinner plate, and still be part of your blood.

Why are we stuck with this lunacy?

Because we choose our birth, before we are born. Contract with our parents before conception. Are aware of who will be our siblings. We enter each life, conscious of what we are getting our selves into.

Wait. Hold on there, Schmuck. Shouldn't there be personality tests given to make our childhood flesh out smoothly, with those we will be interacting with for decades?

Why not seek out people who agree on where to keep the butter container, who should do the dishes, which movie to watch, whether or not to get a puppy.

Once we get going in each life, we decide who we are going to hang out with (aka friends). We pick people with similar viewpoints, commonalities, a sense of humor we appreciate. Why don't we do that with the people we are going to spend years with?

Families are about learning from one another, gaining some kind of knowledge, or appreciation. Could even be something as wild as wanting a break from several lifetimes with happy, wise, wealthy parents.

 It's often a first-time human life that gets really good parents. If there is nothing that has adversely affected us in a past life, then there is no wrong to make right. That first lifetime can be spent seeing earth as it really is, a playground for participants.

It is as we go along in lifetimes, that we start to build up things to correct or balance in the next lifetime. Perhaps in one lifetime, someone experiences physical abuse from a parent. In the next lifetime, that person could choose to become someone who works with abusive parents. Or even becomes an abusive parent--to experience what the parent felt.

Great news: If you choose to do something nasty in this lifetime, you can chop down that cycle by doing whatever it takes to become an excellent, healthy, loving person. Free will means we can alter our actions toward the good. Then, when it comes time to choose a spanking fresh new lifetime, we can latch on to one that is sportive, zesty and fun. No yucky stuff to work out.

If we dove into a family that is stocked with a good role models, it could be that we were smart in the pre-birth process. We made the decision to learn a needed lesson within the comfort and safety of a supportive family.

Hint: Law of Attraction even works after physical death.

Two thoughts on family stuff:
The thing about siblings is, you always have someone who just knows how crazy your childhood was.
Every parent becomes insane and ridiculous when kids become teens. Take a deep breath, and be okay with this fact about yourself. When your teens wind down into their thirties, you may just have learned a thing or two.

Dolphin Divine,
Student of motherhood; insane and ridiculous

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Balance Cochroaches and Dolphins

If you are an Animal Card addict as I am, whip out those cards and get some information from the animal king/queendom spirit world. There are other cards that do similar things, such as Angel, Tarot, and Witches. But the animals speak to the inner, wild child side. They are my preference.

Recently, I posed the question of who was leading me toward my next life phase: empty nest in June with the graduation of my youngest son. And, I wanted to know who was going to guide me after he left. The animals I plucked from the deck were the weasel and the owl. Both were similar in that most help others by revealing what is happening 'behind the scenes'.

I took this to mean that I should be revealing, through intuition and reading news stories based on facts, what is really going on in in life. But I thought this must be telling people the grimy, crappy, hidden cochroaches that lurk in the dark crevices of our homes, thoughts, and political world.

This didn't sound like fun. Not part of the joyous mindset that makes me feel giddy inside.

Well, recently I decided to branch out. After over a decade of relying on Animal Cards, I crossed over and tried something new. Kind of like bipartisan senators working together. Risque, I know.

Picked me up a pack of Dolphin and Mermaid cards. To these I posed another question. How do I move more quickly into my dream life? You know the one: independent wealth, oodles of friends, perfect-for-us love relationship, health, joy, kids doing the wonderfully.

These new cards tell me to go on a Positive Diet; focus on positive stuff, only. Do not watch violent movies, stay away from negativity including: people, situations, gossip. Spread and interact only with positive energy. Laugh away my days. Skip to lakes and feed the ducks while spreading rose petals.

But wait a cotton-pickin' minute. The weasel and owl say to reveal, reveal, reveal. Doesn't that mean expose the negative?

Which cards to follow? This was beyond my feather fluffed brain power. What did I do, you wisely ask? Meditation to the rescue. I got the inside scoop (blessed be that inner voice).

How to balance the two?

Reveal the good underlying the bad. Show people that they are fundamentally good. Rather than tell someone they are doing a bad thing, tell them you know they can do better. Love is what is really under every rock. And on top, on the side, even inside.

Be creative in finding the good.Then shout it out for the world to hear. Be the Loudspeaker of Peace. Now that makes me feel quivery all over. Let's do it together.

Want another way to reveal goodness? Show a child the joy of laughter. Grab a book from the oh-so-funny boy with the the elephant living in his backyard:

Dolphin Divine,
On a mission to expose goodness

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Skate To Peace

Fear and ignorance.They keep us from peace.

The oligarchy that has been slowly undermining our democracy, destroying institutions bent on helping people, and virtually enslaving minorities via prisons, is ruled by fear and ignorance.
The fear is that people will figure out what is going on and will stand together to push them away. Ignorance is not being aware that people are more good than greedy; love is the powerhouse.

There is an active, well-moneyed group of people driving wedges between us. Any focus that can be used to make us think we are more out of alignment is exploited. The drive is on to separate us from our commonalities.

In my Economics classes in college, we were taught the Law of the Commons. That a common area, such as a park or community garden would not be kept up if not for strict enforcements. That it would soon fall into pollution, trash, neglect, vandalism. I believe this to be true when money is involved, especially corporations. But with groups of people directly affected, the Law slips away.

In San Diego, for instance, there was a skate board park frequented by my boys. At first, the City managed it. They hired people to clean it, make sure that skaters were behaving, and that rules were followed. After a few years, the City stopped managing it. Skaters were left on their own. The result? The users kept it clean. Older kids watched out for younger ones to make sure they were safe, and allowed time in the 'bowl'. Vandalism was never seen. The skaters recognized the value of what they had, and took care of it. Completely opposite to the concepts taught in college.

This is one example, but there are countless others. From thriving community gardens, to neighborhood watch programs, there are people everywhere who actively participate in creating and caring for Common Areas. Just looking at the generally peaceful neighborhood parks is proof. While there are always people who leave a mess, or disrupt with violence, the majority of the time, peace prevails.

I've been feeling like we are on the teeter-totter of progress to peace versus polarizing segregation. Today, I was remembering Bernie Sanders. His way is to lead through a love of humanity. More people supported him than Trump. Supporters came out in a surprise tsunami. It was a revelation that there are more people ready for a better world than there are wanting to resort to fear.

It was the institutions that knocked him over. Not the people.

From a spiritual view, I believe he lost so that we can grow stronger in our desire to move forward to the vibrational rising of the New Earth. Every comfort zone that we thought guaranteed is being attacked. Safety nets are plucking away. Top government, CEOs, and corporations are in a race to feed their greed.

Also, the segregating lies of white supremacy is making itself known. If not for their exposures, many of us would not have known how pervasive it is in the U.S., myself included.

Several years ago, I had the fortune to make the acquaintance of a Muslim neighbor. She was an extraordinarily kind woman who wore a head scarf. I was shocked to learn that she was habitually spit upon while walking in public. This was in San Diego, California, a place that I had believed was progressive and full of co-existing citizens. The city, and many more, had a dark side that Trump exposed.

What is occurring today does not mean it is time to give up. There are more people in the world than ever before who want a better, more supportive, peaceful, loving world. Keep your attention, actions and thoughts centered on what most of us want. Love ALWAYS prevails.

Dolphin Divine,
passionate about peace