Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Choosing A Together Land

Blog post begins below photo.

I just read a bizarre yet not uncommon FaceBook post. A woman stated that if Europeans had not left their homes hundreds of years ago, they would still be stuck on islands. No technological advances would have been made in America. She was reacting to a post about our genocide of the Native Americans. Her words made it seem like the only way in which Europeans could advance in this life time, was by killing off thousands of people.

Scary, is that this way of thinking is still shared by many. I like to think we're beyond this, but we aren't. With the election of 45, Fascists revealing their faces in marches, speeches, protests, and public comments like hers, it is evident that such black and white thinking still exists. Being in denial of our past and present evils, allows us to stay comfy with ourselves, just the way we are.

Slavery, genocide and human torture is not bound to any country. The black and white race was a marketing tool to justify slavery. Indian tribes once held battles and captured women and used them as slaves. African Chiefs sold out their people in exchange for gifts. Greed and violence was not an invention of Europeans. It's been going on since humans came into existence.

However, we can move away from fear and ignorance, and embrace an inclusive, progressive society.

The people who had been in the Americas before Europeans arrived, had a really good hold of how the land worked. They did not exploit the environment. They took what they needed for survival. As a result, the land thrived. Europeans had a lot to learn from them.

 The European settlers had technology that made life easier. Roads, wagons, engineering skills, bridges. And eventually, my personal favorite--indoor plumbing! This knowledge makes for a more comfortable lifestyle. And, allows for humans to have more time for creative outlets.

Genocide never had to be in the picture. Buffalo could have been eaten as needed, not slaughtered. Slavery could have been a no-go with all people. There could still be thousands of Redwood trees in my neck of the woods. Had both sides been open to it, we could have learned from each other.

World, country, and village turmoil can be changed. It starts with the individual. Examine your own thoughts. In what ways are you believing that your way of doing things is superior? Could you learn something new from your neighbor? Your partner? Co-worker?

Get out of the house and learn something about a different culture. Sharing knowledge is a way to acknowledge that another person has valuable insight. That we are both important.

Start now. Never too late.

An example of how wonderfully inter-species couples can enjoy life:

Dolphin Divine,
Loving the Americas

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

How To Burst Open

Autumn leaves are rushing past my window, horizontal from the strong southerly winds. They won't drop until they hit the massive redwood trees that envelope our county. I wonder who's going to rake up the mountain of gold, orange and red leaves that will pile at the bottom of the trees? Those redwoods climb upwards of two hundred feet high. Think the leaf mountain will reach half that? Never know on blustery days.

As Fall trees let go to their leaves, so too must we let go. With a burst of last minute color, we all need to embrace cleansing. Nature knows that a yearly step into a burst of amber shades, is desirable to make way for a time of rest. Drop everything, hibernate, be ready for fresh greens.

You can let go by feng shui'ing your home, as I like to call the process.Start with your clothing. What are the outfits that no longer fit, are decades away from anything close to a fashion, or have a stain that you always try to hide by pretending it just got there? Get this: there are more clothes to buy in the world. There are more cute outfits, flattering shirts, and jeans that promote your body today. Best way to welcome in the new-comers, is to push out the old-timers closet.

Once you have conquered the closet, venture out into the home world. The dresser holds bags of potential for the thrift stores. Shelves are poised to be rid of dust-collecting knick knacks. Back corners of cupboards are breeding grounds of unused items. Feng Shui away, my friend.

Keep in mind: 
if you haven't used it in a year, 
it probably won't be needed in the next.

Next up, grab your broom. For this fun purging, you'll aim skyward. Right up in to the top of your walls. I'm talking about those cobwebs. Clearing out cobwebs=getting out entanglements. It's disgusting work, but who wants to be rolled up in sticky past issues? Move on to a wall of freed up living.

Now that your home is fresh and efficient, it's time to look down. This one is close, you are attached to it: your body. It's been a toxin enabler. The electrifying, horrid way that toxins sneak in is through stress. As we know, stress leads to unproductive thoughts such as anger, fear, and resentment. And, sickness and injury are poised to attack the toxic laden body.

You are strong. You can fight back.

Your elimination weapons? Massage, reflexology, yoga, stretching. Stay strong in your dedication to relax. This can flush out toxins. Longevity and quality of life are counting on you.

Home, body, now soul. Your soul is inherently clean, but can be difficult to access when unwanted energy has been piling up. Finding your way to it, is personal. My number one choice is through meditation. Others derive access through body blisses such as jogging, swimming, or cycling. Even absorption into cross-stitching, painting, and writing enchanting spiritual blogs counts. Anything that gets you into the zone, and out of the mind ego madness.

What makes these zone out moments work, is that you are in the moment. You have let go to past yearnings and future fears. You are present, and can receive.

Okay, here comes the one that is generally the hardest to part with: relationships. If you're in a negative relationship, one that is dragging you back down to swamps and sewer muck, drudge OUT.
An old friend wants to waste away with gossip, complaints, and negative comments? Probably time for you to loosen the strings that bound you.

If you're in a new spiritual level, you may feel discomfort in close proximity to negative thinkers. Or, they may try to pull you back to old ways of coping and connecting to others. This is not the time to sink. Rather, send love, and move on. Be open to new relationships that serve to strengthen your positive new ways.

Stay clear of guilt over releasing stanky relationships. You'll be serving as an example of how good it feels to be a better person. Spray your body clean of negativity. Soar to new heights. Plant seeds of awareness. Show others they can do the same. Your shiny new world is an example. Don't stay the muddy swamp monster. Doesn't help anyone.

Letting go opens your branches to new leaves. Bust out your golden hues, spirit them away, pause in the void, allow for green abundance. Mimic nature.

Ready to move on from your old place? 
Here's the book from the Mistress of Movers:

Dolphin Divine,
Getting ready to clean out some webs