Wednesday, December 20, 2017

How To Tip A Teeter-Totter

 Ever feel like we're repeating our past? From individual life cycles to world events, a quick review of history screams yes to this question. We recycle fashions, political feuds, generational trends, excuses for wars, and movie plots. Until the world realizes that we have a choice to change, we're doomed to repeat. Ground Hog's Day for eternity.

But this time around the spiritual sun, the potential to bring real change is closer than it ever has been before. We are teetering between progressively moving forward, and remaining in the stagnant status quo. The level between the two is fifty-fifty. Could go either way.

The vibration of the earth is increasing. This means that if you stick around, you'll be moving forward to the next spiritual level. You're riding the wave, or jumping off the surfboard.

Every person on the planet has the power to choose for themselves whether they want to stay, or revert back to a past life. Which ever way a person wants to go, no judgment calls are appropriate. No name calling, telling the teacher, or toilet papering someone's yard.

If you are ready to move forward, you're a person who is embracing coexistence. You see the advantages of learning from other cultures. Mixing of heritages. Studying other religions. Looking for commonalities with people of different viewpoints.

The spiritually inclined tend to lean Liberal. However, being a liberal does not mean that you're necessarily ready to move forward. Plenty of liberals are self-righteous in their behavior. They believe that their way of thinking is the only way that can move us all forward. This is narrow thinking, the same thing that they accuse the Right side of committing.

Moving forward is more about listening, communicating, hearing each other out. Loving others and figuring out what it takes to make every one pleased as strawberry punch. Well, maybe not that happy. But at least feel content and heard.

An example: When the transgender issue of being allowed to use either public restroom to came up, I had questions and concerns: What if men pretended to be transgender just to gain access to the women's bathroom--there are perverts in the world. What about the locker room at the gym? Would this area be included for transgenders? I had questions.

But, if I bring up my questions with a group of liberals, I would probably be labeled as someone who is against transgenders sharing my bathroom. Unfair.

I support the issue on the basic premise of it. About that time, I saw a female co-worker enter the men's bathroom. I almost stopped her, thinking that she was not paying attention and about to make a walloping big mistake. Then it hit me, she was a man. And I thought to myself, it's none of my business what her actual gender is. But each time she has to use a public bathroom, every body knows her business. I wanted for her to be able to use the women's room.

In order for us to progress to the next earth vibration, we have to be able to discuss issues, not assume that we either agree or am 'one of them'. Open communication and respecting concerns is integral to being part of the moving forward movement.

We are on the continental divide, in the center of a massive teeter-totter. I hope to see you all after the shift is made to the next spiritual vibe.

Until everything changes, nothing changes.

Want to learn more about ways to align yourself with spiritual ways?
You can do it in laughter while traveling with the lynx:

Dolphin Divine,
Liberal thinker avoiding the label

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Still Learning After All These Years

I'm unique. I'm the only person in this Universe who is EXTREMELY gifted in the art of knowing what other people are doing wrong. AND, I know how to fix their problem. Just ask me. This also applies to situations, politics, city planning, movies, books, and how peanut butter cookies should taste.

But when figuring out my wrong doings, my mind gets hazy. Critiques get misplaced. Things to Do list gets long and essential, especially cupboards that have not been cleaned out in over two years. Oh, and I'm busy doing...something.

And if someone does not like me, well, after fritting and fluttering about it for rather too long, I tend to find a reason it is their fault, not mine. I person who has a problem with me must have their medication completely whacked up, should be living in a straight jacket, or drank too much soda as an infant. I mean, I am always the perfect host, always say the correct thing, and am best buds with Miss Manners.

How could these facts be otherwise?

But there is this nagging, annoying, persistent personality tic with in me that will not SHUT UP. Actually, it is silent as a gliding hawk until I have solved the issues of the day. Then it swoops down, rips into my brain and attacks me with this life long habit: I want to be a better person. The only way to be better is to delve into my self when something doesn't feel right about my behavior.

That hawk can circle around me for decades, waiting until I am ready to listen. Damn patient bird of prey.

Are you wondering what I've learned about myself recently? That when I am confronted with something I don't understand, I can freak out. My mind whirls, reactions go wild, sane reasoning skills are tossed out like a bowl of rotten strawberries. Rather then using my own creative, thoughtful abilities to figure out what to do, I start the whining.

Not whining like a child, but horribly close. I will grab hold of strangers, my annoyed sons, overworked teachers, and anyone who is stupid enough to be crossing my path at my crises moment.

Here's the really funny part. When people do this to me, I get annoyed. Yes, it's true. I know, this is hard for you to understand. Because unlike me, you don't have the gift of knowing the vices of others and not your own.

Recently, someone got upset, freaked out, and bogged me down for help--I was not amused. Then, that nosy, good for nothing hawk came along and jammed an image of the last person who I had blasted for help. Rather than taking time to solve my own problem, I bombarded this person with questions and pleas for assistance.

Once again, the hawk had the better of me. He threatened me with razor claws and a malicious smile until I opened my eyes to the truth. I had been an idiot. So now, when presented with a problem, I will have the choice of freaking out, or figuring out. There is no more hiding behind that log in my eye. I know my failing, have faced it, and can't get out of the fact that I have a choice to do better.

Think of yourself. Is there an issue or person that annoys you? Chances are statistically high that at least something in there is a recognition of one of your failings. If you want to be a better person, search it out. If you don't see a connection, ask your angels for guidance. Or, to be even more brave, ask a friend.

'Know Thyself' was never meant to be an easy breezy lemon squeezy two-word phrase.

After torturing yourself with the self-analysis, 
buy my latest book. 
Certain to smooch out a chuckle or two:

Interplanetary Romantic Comedy

Dolphin Divine, 
Surprisingly not perfect

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Choosing A Together Land

Blog post begins below photo.

I just read a bizarre yet not uncommon FaceBook post. A woman stated that if Europeans had not left their homes hundreds of years ago, they would still be stuck on islands. No technological advances would have been made in America. She was reacting to a post about our genocide of the Native Americans. Her words made it seem like the only way in which Europeans could advance in this life time, was by killing off thousands of people.

Scary, is that this way of thinking is still shared by many. I like to think we're beyond this, but we aren't. With the election of 45, Fascists revealing their faces in marches, speeches, protests, and public comments like hers, it is evident that such black and white thinking still exists. Being in denial of our past and present evils, allows us to stay comfy with ourselves, just the way we are.

Slavery, genocide and human torture is not bound to any country. The black and white race was a marketing tool to justify slavery. Indian tribes once held battles and captured women and used them as slaves. African Chiefs sold out their people in exchange for gifts. Greed and violence was not an invention of Europeans. It's been going on since humans came into existence.

However, we can move away from fear and ignorance, and embrace an inclusive, progressive society.

The people who had been in the Americas before Europeans arrived, had a really good hold of how the land worked. They did not exploit the environment. They took what they needed for survival. As a result, the land thrived. Europeans had a lot to learn from them.

 The European settlers had technology that made life easier. Roads, wagons, engineering skills, bridges. And eventually, my personal favorite--indoor plumbing! This knowledge makes for a more comfortable lifestyle. And, allows for humans to have more time for creative outlets.

Genocide never had to be in the picture. Buffalo could have been eaten as needed, not slaughtered. Slavery could have been a no-go with all people. There could still be thousands of Redwood trees in my neck of the woods. Had both sides been open to it, we could have learned from each other.

World, country, and village turmoil can be changed. It starts with the individual. Examine your own thoughts. In what ways are you believing that your way of doing things is superior? Could you learn something new from your neighbor? Your partner? Co-worker?

Get out of the house and learn something about a different culture. Sharing knowledge is a way to acknowledge that another person has valuable insight. That we are both important.

Start now. Never too late.

An example of how wonderfully inter-species couples can enjoy life:

Dolphin Divine,
Loving the Americas

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

How To Burst Open

Autumn leaves are rushing past my window, horizontal from the strong southerly winds. They won't drop until they hit the massive redwood trees that envelope our county. I wonder who's going to rake up the mountain of gold, orange and red leaves that will pile at the bottom of the trees? Those redwoods climb upwards of two hundred feet high. Think the leaf mountain will reach half that? Never know on blustery days.

As Fall trees let go to their leaves, so too must we let go. With a burst of last minute color, we all need to embrace cleansing. Nature knows that a yearly step into a burst of amber shades, is desirable to make way for a time of rest. Drop everything, hibernate, be ready for fresh greens.

You can let go by feng shui'ing your home, as I like to call the process.Start with your clothing. What are the outfits that no longer fit, are decades away from anything close to a fashion, or have a stain that you always try to hide by pretending it just got there? Get this: there are more clothes to buy in the world. There are more cute outfits, flattering shirts, and jeans that promote your body today. Best way to welcome in the new-comers, is to push out the old-timers closet.

Once you have conquered the closet, venture out into the home world. The dresser holds bags of potential for the thrift stores. Shelves are poised to be rid of dust-collecting knick knacks. Back corners of cupboards are breeding grounds of unused items. Feng Shui away, my friend.

Keep in mind: 
if you haven't used it in a year, 
it probably won't be needed in the next.

Next up, grab your broom. For this fun purging, you'll aim skyward. Right up in to the top of your walls. I'm talking about those cobwebs. Clearing out cobwebs=getting out entanglements. It's disgusting work, but who wants to be rolled up in sticky past issues? Move on to a wall of freed up living.

Now that your home is fresh and efficient, it's time to look down. This one is close, you are attached to it: your body. It's been a toxin enabler. The electrifying, horrid way that toxins sneak in is through stress. As we know, stress leads to unproductive thoughts such as anger, fear, and resentment. And, sickness and injury are poised to attack the toxic laden body.

You are strong. You can fight back.

Your elimination weapons? Massage, reflexology, yoga, stretching. Stay strong in your dedication to relax. This can flush out toxins. Longevity and quality of life are counting on you.

Home, body, now soul. Your soul is inherently clean, but can be difficult to access when unwanted energy has been piling up. Finding your way to it, is personal. My number one choice is through meditation. Others derive access through body blisses such as jogging, swimming, or cycling. Even absorption into cross-stitching, painting, and writing enchanting spiritual blogs counts. Anything that gets you into the zone, and out of the mind ego madness.

What makes these zone out moments work, is that you are in the moment. You have let go to past yearnings and future fears. You are present, and can receive.

Okay, here comes the one that is generally the hardest to part with: relationships. If you're in a negative relationship, one that is dragging you back down to swamps and sewer muck, drudge OUT.
An old friend wants to waste away with gossip, complaints, and negative comments? Probably time for you to loosen the strings that bound you.

If you're in a new spiritual level, you may feel discomfort in close proximity to negative thinkers. Or, they may try to pull you back to old ways of coping and connecting to others. This is not the time to sink. Rather, send love, and move on. Be open to new relationships that serve to strengthen your positive new ways.

Stay clear of guilt over releasing stanky relationships. You'll be serving as an example of how good it feels to be a better person. Spray your body clean of negativity. Soar to new heights. Plant seeds of awareness. Show others they can do the same. Your shiny new world is an example. Don't stay the muddy swamp monster. Doesn't help anyone.

Letting go opens your branches to new leaves. Bust out your golden hues, spirit them away, pause in the void, allow for green abundance. Mimic nature.

Ready to move on from your old place? 
Here's the book from the Mistress of Movers:

Dolphin Divine,
Getting ready to clean out some webs

Monday, September 4, 2017

Solve All Problems Thru Weed Destruction

Gardening gives me time to fix life's problems. 

"A weed is a plant growing where you don't want it to be," my agricultural student friend, Lisa, informed me. I had expected to hear a definition of specific plants. Some terrifying Latin words like plantus horreeblay, wiccus plasma provoker, obnoxious beholden vista. Something that related to weeds alone. Her answer surprised me and got me to wondering.

If there are no 'bad' plants, could there also be no bad people, animals, or situation? If placed in a different place or time, a bad person could be welcome, even helpful.

Many people see Trump as a bad person. But stand back and look at the situation from a different angle. His demeaning words and actions against minorities, women, and too many people to list in one short blog post, have stirred up our country. Greed and fear have been exposed on a level that many of us did not know was so pervasive.

Now that we know the problems exist, we can work on changing our country for the better. Can't improve things when we didn't know the problems were so incredibly pervasive.

People across the nation are showing their appreciation of the bounty of our country. They are attending meet ups to call Senators and tell them what they want. Protests are everywhere. Intolerance is not being tolerated. Many politicians from the city to state are directing policies that are more in line with the desires of the people, over power and profit.

We are putting on our gardening gloves, tearing out years of deep-rooted wrong doings. The flowers of humanity that have always been there, now have a better chance at survival. Sunlight gains access to previously shaded beauties. Encouragement is given to new growths of healthy ideas.

'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step'. The regime in D.C. has coaxed us into beginning the journey of bettering our country. I have faith that we are up to the challenge. We are that kind of amazing.

Now that I've figured out the answer to how to create world peace, I go back to my present work. The critters who get fired up by my presence scatter about. Roly-poly bugs, long gorgeous worms, varieties of spiders, trail of ants. Best of show goes to the banana slug, treasured treat of the Pacific Northwest. I assure them all that, not only will they remain safe, but I will leave soon. It's their terrain, I'm an uninvited guest.

The bug's scamperings make me laugh. They are so busy and serious with their daily tasks. Just like us people. Always up to something. I assume that's how the gods and goddesses view us. Amusing and sweet, but over worried about earthly matters.

Romantic comedy is always a welcome read. 

Dolphin Divine,
Solver Of Everything Under The Sun

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Shaking Laughter Swim Ship

Laughter happens when the unexpected happens. Is that happening for you?

You have to know what the expected is, to share laughter. The pictured quote shakes out smiles when you understand the full meaning behind 'when your ship comes in'. If this were translated to another language, and read by a non-English speaker, it could be understood as ship passenger instructions. Envision foreign exchange students diving off ports, trampling over one another, clinging to floating suitcases, swimming out to their ship to get home. Could be drownings.

It would have to be explained that it means your dream has come true, lottery has been won, hidden treasure discovered.

After that, 'swim out to meet it' is easy to follow: you probably need to work to fulfill that dream.

Another of my favorites is by the highly philosophical, Yogi Bear. 'If you come to a fork in the road, pick it up.' U.S. talkers think first of road directions. The unexpected of it being a three pronged piece of metal, is the clincher. But English as a second languagers, may think first of a fork as an eating utensil. The poetic irony would be lost.

This is how it goes with humor. If two people don't both understand what a phrase or idea means, then any humor posted onto it will be meaningless. You have to have a common ground to what the norm is. Without that, anything that pokes toward humor will have nothing to stick into.

This helps to explain why groups with similar backgrounds and world views tend to stick together. We all want to laugh and connect. What greater thing than a chuckling chat with friends? Better than wine, or even chocolate covered caramels. The three things together? Bliss extraordinaire.

It takes extra work to explain why something is funny. So, I get the hanging out with your own crowd thing. To relax and simply enjoy a good joke is an enviable state to be in. There should always be time in our lives for easy breezy lemon squeezy chortles.

But, attempting to understand the views, languages and backgrounds of other people, opens up a whole new universe of guffaw connections. You can add to your bag of memory smiles by understanding jests from another language. And, watch as your explanation of g-rated slang to a non-native speaker is suddenly understood. Yummy gummy on both sides.

'Like water for chocolate' is a Spanish saying that relates to love and passion. As an English speaker, I only know this because a Mexican explained it to me. I'm glad he did--I love that phrase. Can't you just feel the water simmering as it waits anxiously to be mixed with the cacao beans? The new thoughts of brewing love is exciting.

A German exchange student used the expression 'the person who does not value the penny, does not deserve the pound'. I understood the superficial meaning, but a few words of deeper explanation from him, really made the punch. Now I think about that each time I pick up a penny. And, of course, I had to know that the pound is an object of money in Europe, not a weight value as in the States.

Oh, and I remember the incredible confusion, and finally laughter, when a British friend asked me how my 'tricks' were. I had to explain that the American meaning is the actions taken by prostitutes to get their money. On her English side, it means 'how are things going with you?'. A tad bit of a difference. But an extremely funny one.

When we crawl out from behind our bubbles of same view, shared history friends, we widen our cracking up platform. It adds fun to the goal of world peace. Takes a bit more work, may mean getting out of our comfort zone. But worth the damned hilarious work.

Damned hilarious debut novel of mine:

Read it, laugh, translate to everyone.

Dolphin Divine,
Laughing with international, jet-setting dolphins
P.S. Any persons out there living on a tropical island, wanting to learn U.S. jokes, feel free to fly me out to your warm sands. I'll supply the chocolates and show you how to appreciate chewy caramels. All in an effort to promote world peace, of course.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A Slap To The Marriage Skeptic

Anyone wondering if love still exists should have gone with me to Scrib Vineyards Saturday night. You would have seen my second cousin declaring life-time commitment to her friend, laughing companion and main squeeze. With the first married kiss, your doubts would have melted into the one-hundred degree temperature of the day.

As part of the group of cynics who hold the origins of marriage to extracting money from puppy loving, romantics, even I was convinced. They chipped away at my view of decades of gluing yourself to one person as barbaric, questionable behavior. I mean, what if the other person decides to become a Rock Star and leaves you for a Movie Star? Although, the alimony you'd get could compensate for the loss.

What stems out of this acknowledgement that an entire, dragging life could be spent loving the same person every single damned day? If one couple could do such a dramatic, all-endurance iron-couple feat such as wedded happiness, than joy is possible. Even a life time of it.

Of all the difficulties we face, human relations are among the biggest daily hurdle. At least the ones beyond a dropper full of easy talk regarding weather, movies and celebrity gossip. And if you want to spend decades with the same person, be ready to share icky stuff like what you are hiding from the outside world, how you look in the morning, pre-shower, and the ultra embarrassing health stuff you don't dare tell Mom about. It's all cranked into the marriage vows.

There are two different kinds of marriages: Wanting someone to grow old with, and wanting someone to grow with. That single word of old, is the litmus test for considering a partner in life time pledges. Neither is better than the other. But if you don't both want the same type, consider this the elephant in the room of marital bliss.

Being on the fence of marriage, I will refrain from further advice.

But even if I am not jumping onto the contract papering of love for a lifetime, I do believe that peace with a partner is something to be sought after.

Appreciate a bit of young love? Here's an adventure with paranormal teens, rebelling from an overly polite, restricted society:

Dolphin Divine,
All love is good

Monday, July 17, 2017

Abundant Toilet Bridge

 The bridge to abundance is being thankful

When I first heard that quote, I was struck with the straight forward simplicity. But the more I have meddled, meditated,and messed with it, I've discovered more depth than lurks behind the eyes of our sweet puppies.

Oodles of being thankful times are planted smack on that which you already have. And just as a magician pulls a bunny from his hat, you will pull out revelations of self abundance. A Grateful Bridge that U-turns back to your loving heart.

Double Whammie: when you're feeling joy from your list of thankfuls, the Universe wants to give you more of it.  The Universe likes you like that. It is a scout ever on patrol for treats that bring you joy. Did you know that? This doesn't just work for a select group of goodie-two-shoes, but applies to all of human kind. Yowza.

Universal math equation: Feel joy = Receive more joy

In our move to Costa Rica, many years ago, I found myself sick and homesick. No cell phones back then. E-mail use unavailable to me. No safety net to catch us should we fail at this journey. I became so sick, I can remember crawling to the bathroom toilet to vomit. On that long crawl, I knew this was not the negative space I wanted to be in. But how could I change what was going on around me?

It was hovering over the non-delightful toilet that I thought of being thankful for what I did have. No doubt, some ex-plumber spiritual guide whispered that epiphany to me. So I began the art of being thankful.

I was thankful for my boys, my breath (albeit stinky from vomit), indoor plumbing and salted Costa Rican plantain chips. Rivers, howler monkeys and jungles that reached the warm ocean water. That owl in our front yard tree who watched us when we drove in at night. Fresh fish we bought from the fisherman as they came ashore in their two-person boats. Coconuts local boys chopped down with machetes. Sand for castle making at the beach. I never became evolved enough to be thankful for the ticks, cockroaches or mosquitoes. I can only do so much in one life time.

It was also then that I coaxed our family to to saying thank you at every meal. Before bedtime, the boys and I said one thing we were thankful for from the day. A big hope of mine is that they'll remember our thanking traditions. I'll be one happy grandmother if they pass it on to their own kids.

Life got better. It filled with color once again. Being thankful became my way of climbing out of the sandpit of sadness and despair, whenever it should try and trap me again.

Back to the original quote, being thankful can also bring out your financial abundance. Train your thoughts to focus on your blessings. Kiss the stars for every cent in your piggy bank, every bill you're able to pay, the stuff that you threw down the money for within your home and on your back. Your money trail is endless. Hurl out gratitude for every purchase, past and present. It will boomerang back to you with more force than your arm could ever muster.

Abundance comes in many forms. If a joyful, peaceful life is what you long for, be thankful for what you already have.

I am thankful for the joy of having been a massage therapist. Three books from my fourteen years of experience are for sale. I am thankful for every purchase:

Dolphin Divine,
Abundant Bridge Crosser

Friday, July 7, 2017

Ghostly Waiters

Who will be waiting for you on the other side? What ancestors are lurking about? Old friends hiding in the wings? And what about pets? Surely they have been wagging tails or swimming in circles in anticipation.

Do you think it is too soon to be dwelling on such morbid boding's? Actually, it's not. Because these are the beings who are watching over you now. They are the hovering helicopter of the spiritual world. Don't freak out and try to obtain a Restraining Order--even though they could be tracking your social e-networks. These are the Unconditional Love Doctors. Always around when you need them.

Yes, that can sound invasive. I suppose you could ask them to turn away while you shower or plop your butt on the toilet. But you're the only one who would care about that. In their state of being, judgment is not part of their psyche. They are here to help, not to call nasty names or cast stones.

Want feed back on a new love interest? Ask that Great Aunt who was the cat's meow in her day. Thinking which class to take for career betterment? Probe that old friend who knew all about job opportunities. Have a deep spiritual question? Angels are the know-it-alls.

When you ask for guidance, the answers will come. But there is much background noise around you. You want to be certain they can hear you. Be quiet. Ask so they hear you. Write in a journal, read it out loud, focus on the question. Go within for guidance.

Answers may not come as expected. Look for signs, clues, and a book smashing on your head that tells all you wanted to know.

Those loving support caregivers are not just your own personal Google fact finder. They're great stress management coaches as well. Feeling overburdened with stuff? Whip that stress from your shoulders and lay it at their feet. Someone will be right there with broom and dust pan to wipe your slate clean. Cleanse your outlook and see the world as it should be: bright, beautiful, and aiming to please.

Be sure to thank your hosts.

But let me slow down a minute and give some social faux pas guidance. Yes, ancestors are around to help you. But, they do have their own 'lives' to live. Some of my best guides have already moved on to their next life time. Take, for instance, my grandfather. I'm not sure what he is up to, but I know he has moved on. At least at one level.

In the world of spirits, we're not the know everything earthlings. We have limited knowledge of the post-body mysteries. What I do know, is that he has moved on to something new. But, at the same time, he is able to come to my side when I'm in need of his strength and wisdom. We all operate at more than one level. Parallel lives, earth bodies, other worlds, We're all over the place like a plate of over soft jello.

Don't worry about trying to figure it all out. You would be a kitten chasing your tail. Suffice to say that when the need comes for guidance, help, or comfort, those once connected to you in this world will rush to your aid.

Be respectful of their time. Don't call to ask which kind of wine is best for risotta, or which outfit will get you the dream job. Call when you are wondering where to move, if you should marry your sweet heart, how to help your sick child. It's the Big Whammie stuff that's the time to use your cell phone to clouds in heaven.

Play nice with everyone you meet. When you pass on, you want to be on good terms with your collection of known passersby. Just kidding. We all know they are in a state of Unconditional Love. No worries for making mistakes. They're loving you even when you're a jerk.

At some level, we are all loving each other. It's just that on earth, we tend to forget that.

As I don't want to be a spoiler, here's a book that may be dealing with a subject covered in this blog:

Thank your spirit support group for hanging out, they love to feel appreciated.

Dolphin Divine, 
Loving my groupies

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Essentials Needed For Ostrich School

Poverty is a state of mind. I read this quote from a Senator recently. It's his justification for taking away services from impoverished people. He wants them to understand that all they have to do is change their outlook. Once they put their mind into abundance, their situation will improve. In simply telling people the way to view life, everything will be okay.

Whoa! Stop and hold them horses. That doesn't work. People need first to be in a place in which their basic needs are being met, before they can learn about change through thoughts. When a person is figuring out how to feed their children, they're not reading gourmet cookbooks. Impractical, callous advice.

Hiding behind a philosophy is one way to justify becoming a full head in the ground ostrich. Another is to feed the hungry with vague, indirect charities that focus on feeling good over substance.

At a business recently, several teenage girls came in, singing heavenly sweet music. Then came the request for charity money. Most everyone in the place gave freely. Nice, huh?

Except they gave without knowing where the money was going. Were the girls legitimate? Was the charity was even real? When I read the cheap, plastic coated brochure, the charity was for poor people in the Philippines. My usual rose-colored glasses shattered with the doubt that the money ever wound up in the hands of the needy.

Who wants to face the poverty in our cities, neighborhoods, and outside our homes and workplace? Yuch. Poverty is ugly. It's prettier to only see what goes on in other countries.

Another fun escape is to 'know' that homeless want to live in streets, that there are plenty of livable wage jobs oozing to hire anyone with a body, and that everyone knows how to get them. I mean, if I could do it, why not them?

There is some truth to all of that. But it's on a case by case basis. Humans are complicated. Reasons for poverty are different for each person.

All this I say with the full recognition that I do little to help, as well. I've been lazy. Waiting and watching others do the work while I live my blessed life.

But I'm changing. Spurred by a greedy, anti Robin Hood administration, I'm volunteering, calling Senators, offering what I can. And this desire to do more is spreading.

From the ground up, individuals, groups and local governments have been taking up the slack. As most of us have never experienced before, lazy comfort has eroded. In it's place, activism has spread. Groups, coalitions, committees, fresh voices--all over the world, people have been taking matters into their own hands. There is positive coming out of the negative mudslingers from above.

We're also seeing and experiencing appreciation for what we had and have. Is this new appreciation because we finally recognize how good we've had it? Because we are witnessing five million refugees being torn from what they had?  Probably a mixture.

 Either way, we're waking up with a start, yelling, "Thank you for the blessings in my life! Now I want to go out and preserve it."

Our world is increasing in vibration. Love is pouring out like never before. In order for us all to benefit, we need to have basic living needs taken care of. Then we can teach about States of Mind, Positive Thinking, Law of Attraction. It is from there that the world will be more fruitful.

Every person has something to give. But when held back trying to figure out how to survive, contributions won't be given.

How are you handling our changing world? Comment below. Don't be an ostrich.

Oh, and if the world can increase it's vibration, then elephants dating giraffes makes perfect sense:

When the essentials are covered, let the mindful lessons begin.

Dolphin Divine,
Appreciating Abundance

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How I Crossed The Line

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.    --Albert Einstein

The first time I was punched by a miracle, I was pregnant. At five weeks in utero, my son's heart began to beat. All at once, the newly formed cells got together and declared, "okay, on the count of three, we start beating for the rest of Diego's life."

Stem cells are programmed so that some are directed to become a heart, others a spleen, organs, skin, brain. Well, you know what the body consists of. As long as  you aren't stuck with being the colon, the cells take on their job with acceptance and humility. Not much to complain about. After all, they are about to become part of the amazing human body.

Cell career directives are interesting, but did not grab me by the throat and demand that I believe in miracles. Until I read about the beating heart.

Questions hit me like a truck full of cinder blocks. How did those cell clusters turned heart know to beat? Who started the count? Who set the cadence? Was there one cell in charge, a committee, or a group project? How do they know when to start, and that they should even start in the first place?

Not only do the cells start beating, they do it all at once. Logically, that would take programming. If it were just one cell, we could get away with saying that it was one rogue cell. The black sheep, rock and roller who decided to break away with a beat of it's own. But that is not what happened.

Diego's heart went from recent cluster, to liberated Beethoven orchestra. No conductor. No Friday night meet-up. No garage band practice time. BOOM! It was off and running.

You may tell me that the cells are manufactured with the ability to come together and start beating, all at the same time. That a cluster of cells can go from a teenie, tiny newly founded formation to the capacity to rule a life from innate instincts. But innate is a miracle all on its own.

I analyzed the options.

Pre-programming Okay, I can sweep away the heart issue by accepting that this is just how cells work. They have an agenda, and they do it, no questions asked. But to know the moment when all of your co-workers are going to start without ever having worked together before? Pre-programming does not apply here.

The liver As the foreman of the body, this could arguably be the music conductor. But he is not a musician. No drumming experience. Besides, this guy is too busy deciding which cells get to be the brain. No time to waste on being a band leader.

Blood pressure Heart presses the blood into pumping. not the other way around. No answer here.

After doing away with the cast of available characters, it boiled down to one choice. My hypothesis became this: the heartbeat plugged into a Universal Rhythm. Nothing else I could think up made any sense. With scientific deductions, it was the only plausible idea left for me.

There must already be a beat to harmonize with. A band to join. A jazz session playing. Everything set for my baby to connect to.

It was then that I crossed the line from a no miracle life to an everything miracle life. And once that line is crossed, there is no turning back. You are tar pit stuck in the land of wonder.

Once I traversed the frontier, I saw beauty. Faces that held little beyond a way of recognizing the owner, became special. Our cats napping in the sunshine went from amusing to poetic. Food from nourishing to an art palette in my mouth. Love to divine.

There are the little miracles: perfection in a blade of grass, windows to watch rain fall, fuzzy bunny socks.

Big miracles: the births of my sons, how bodies work, human achievements, evolution, language and communication.

Spiritual miracles; astral projection, Akashic Records, angels, animal spirit guides, past lives, paranormal, intuition, energy work.

Everything became a miracle, in a heart beat.

Book inspired by watching my youngest son, discovering the feet moving about were his own. Azier was experiencing his first miracle:

Post comments on the miracles of your life. We all have them.

Dolphin Divine,
Living A Miracle Life 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Result of Desire

Earth shattering news! I now have free tickets for whatever you have a hankering for, to be done with the Most Desirable Doable End Result, or MoDDER. Tickets are limited to one a week, with exceptions made for unexpected pop-ups of something potentially grand.

Limitations are set to ensure they won't be taken for granted. Tickets of this magnitude of importance have souls. They are potent suckers who demand well-deserved appreciation. And, like salt with too many cooks in the kitchen, over use can spoil your soulful soup. If I gave you unlimited tickets, you would use them for everything from constipation issues, to cheating at the lottery. Depreciation would sky rocket.

 Tell you more about these glorious tix? Well, okay then:

1. Firm Choices When you  have a confusing choice being thrown at your innocent face, use the ticket. You glare it squarely down, and firmly tell it that you want the Most Desirable, Doable, End Result from your selection.

Ask for clarity in which choice you should then make. Be quiet and humble, as if approaching a fawn for a camera selfie. The answer will come.

But, it may take a form you weren't expecting. Such as wondering which college would provide the best of everything for your life. The answer may not come as a letter screaming out that this is the place for you, signed by your personal angels. However, you could eavesdrop in-line at the flower market, and over hear a discussion of a university that has everything you've been searching for and more. The employees of MoDDERS can be rather creative in their correspondence.

2. Not Your Decision Use the ticket to ask for something that is not yours to decide on.

For instance, last week in traffic court, I told my ticket that I wanted the MoDDER. If you have ever fought a traffic ticket, you know that if the officer who gave the ticket doesn't show up, you automatically win. Out of the three people contesting speeding tickets, two officers showed up. The missing one was mine! Yey! I saved $276.

There is no guarantee that this will happen to you. But your odds of doing better than a non-MoDDER are at least a tsunami-sized percent better.

3. Tasty Twists There are sometimes twists in this stuff. Beware. Just because you didn't get the end result that you think would have been best, doesn't mean you've been ignored. It means that the MoDDER Spirit knows more than you do.

Say you go for a job interview, and don't get it. You may have even been thoroughly harassing your ticket for the job. It could be barely readable from you holding it with your daily meditation for hours on end, begging, pleading, falling to your knees.

Then you hear that some other smuck, whom you know was less qualified, got the position. After you rant and rave to friends, family, and strangers, take a breath and regain your faith. The Universe, that background checker of MoDDER tickets, knows more than you do. This, I guarantee.

It may turn out that a week later, an even better job simply falls into your lap. In the game of 20/20 hindsight, you will find the MoDDER was working full-speed ahead on your behalf the entire time. Because you are asking for the end result. Different than asking for a particular outcome.

If you ask for a particular conclusion , you are probably missing out on something more wild and foot-fancy free being able to grab you by the waist and wanfangle the Celebratory Dance.

Ticket Orders:
As my printer only has so much ink, I have devised an easy, efficient way for you to receive your weekly dose. Sit quietly in comfort, close your eyes, and envision the MoDDER ticket in your hands. It will suddenly appear, pre-assembled and ready for use.

To ensure your lifetime supply of MoDDER, say nice things, feel happy, and show appreciation for each redeemed ticket. Being thankful is key.

Post creative correspondences, uplifting outcomes, and frustrations in comment section below. Sharing stories keeps the world a sweet place to live.

Buy a book for a kid with a surprisingly happy ending:

Dolphin Divine,
MoDDER Moderator

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Day After The Goal

Must have faith. Must be present. Must not sit at home and twiddle your thumbs.

What to read next? The Granddaddy of the Law of Attraction: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. You are probably like every other Abundance Seeker out there who has already read it. I feel like that clown in the corner, the one too ridiculous to have never sought it out. Like living in the 1960's and never having heard of the Beatles. So if you are in the minority as I am, or would like a fresh opinion on a Classic, keep reading. If you don't fall into one of those categories, read anyway. It will make me feel appreciated as a writer. Thank you.

Last night I got to Chapter Four, and here is what has hit me like the first time I visited a past life through an Akashic Record Reading...
set a date for your goal.
In other books, I've read that if you set a date, you could be limiting yourself. Something even bigger could have been planned for the next day. And I completely agree with that. So, in order to be open to the even bigger opportunity set for THE DAY AFTER, I am wording my goal with an allowance for more than I had asked for to occur. And, a continuous mind-set that the goal is the start of where I am heading. It is only getting better from here.

Setting a date has tamed the shrew of doubt within. Now, rather than focusing on the negative stuff that once kept me on a cycle, I'm seeing this as the last month of crap. Knowing that THE DAY AFTER, I will be living my dream, I'm taking the Affirmation with faith. The stuff that is hitting me now, has a shelf life. I can even hear the groans of the dying cycle.  

A friend told my that the reason many people don't get what they want is because they were never clear. Vacillation is confusing to a listening Universe. Set a date and heal the Vertigo Disease.

And here is where it can get a might bit confusing. If you are so clear and set on what you want, options for even better stuff can get knocked aside like a tipped cow. Be clear in your intention, while leaving the  door wide open for even better than you could have hoped for. Let your goal be a stepping stone.

Date setting can help with the faith part. It can also be the balm for being present. Rather than worrying about anxieties surrounding you, knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel may assist in freeing up your natural ability to be present. It's one thing to keep telling yourself to be in the in the Now, another to do it against a back drop of life stresses.

If you can legitimately tell yourself that the end of the bad will be gone by "Fill In Your Date Here", it's easier to knock clean away those ghastly stressors. Give them a shriek, a shrug, and a total blow-off. Tell them, "hey, you may be bad ass now, but just you wait until THE DAY AFTER. You won't even exist. Start packing, look for another home, move on. You ain't wanted here anymore."

Now don't go thinking that all you have to do is voice intentions twice a day. You have to be doing something toward it, every day. Want to sing in a Rock and Roll Band? Take a voice lesson and hang out with musicians. Want to join a circus? Learn how to ride a unicorn bike. Want to be a millionaire? Read the book every other Seeker has read.

My goal relates to writing--not a big surprise. So I listen to my Creative Writing teacher of oh, so long ago, and no-matter-how-tired, I write 'a line a day'.

Fill up that comment section at the end of this post. I am edge of seat smitten with knowing your intention, and watcha going to do about it.

And, buy a book. Add laughter to a kid's day, and support my THE DAY AFTER:

Dolphin Divine,
Dating Myself

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Cling, Leap, Or Peep?

Mother Earth's Vibrations Are Increasing. Will you be a Clinger, Leaper, or Peeper?

Clingers want to cling onto the past. They want things to be as they were, comfortable and known. Which is understandable. Change, and venturing into the unknown, is scary. What if the future of a higher frequency planet is filled with wickedness, discomfort, and unwanted ways of doing things? Why mess with a good thing? It seems easier to stay where we're at, or go back to a time that was as warm and cozy as hot cocoa and a snugly blanket.

The clingers are not likely to continue on the earth at this time of rising frequency. If you wish to remain a clinger, most likely you will pass over into another lifetime. It will be one that more closely matches the one that you leave this life with. When you are someday ready to leap on into a faster earth, you can do it in a different lifetime. This is not a one-time offer.

This is a choice because we get more than one earth life.

Leapers are willing to move into the future. They're feeling like, 'Hey, change can be a good thing'. Some even embrace the move. While fear may still pop up like e-mail Spam, faith that all will eventually be well overrides reluctance. The leapers may even see the changes as an offering of love. They'll be ready to move on with the new earth.

If you feel ready to become a leaper, it is imperative that you see yourself in your dream life. Experience life, in this present moment, as one of a loving, accepting, supportive place to be. Set your sights on a future you, as a more positive person. One who is in the blissful relationship, abundant career, healthy home. Whatever you want as your dream life, envision it now. This will rock and roll your energy into alignment with the quivering planet.

Peepers are those few who have chosen to die in order to watch over us. In leaving their body behind, they're more able to watch over us through this transition. They become a wanted Peeping Tom. Most don't even know that their higher self signed up for this undertaking. Agreeing to be a peeper is made at a level that the earth-bound self is not generally conscious of. But they've agreed and are ready to go.

My aunt was one of these people. She left us last year, not wanting to leave behind her family. Recently, she contacted me to let me know she is watching over us all. She is better able to guide, support and direct us without the limitations of a body, time, and space. I would rather have her with us in the physical form, but she always was a giving soul. I am thankful for her presence.

Whichever side you wish to stay on, will decide your fate. However, you have the ability to change your path. You can go group hopping. Remember that. Fates are not forever etched on your soul like a fixed carving in a stone tablet. You possess the stone and the carving tools. They're in your spiritual tool box labeled 'Free Will'.

None of these groups are bad, wrong, or lacking of intelligence. One is not better than the other. You don't get to be smug and claim that your group is better, that the other side is filled with hateful and ignoramus folks. We all are affected by the shake. Which group you prefer is simply your choice in the three serving, meal deal.

Which category do you feel more compelled to stick with? Why? Post thoughts and comments in box below.

Now grab onto this pre-teen paranormal adventure that young people can get into:

Red Nectar, Part One of the Emily series

Dolphin Divine,
Sending love to Clingers, Leapers, and Peepers

Monday, March 27, 2017

How Split Tongues Can Come Together

There are two different languages:
First: Fear and Ignorance
Second: Wisdom and Compassion 

Fear is the danger pager. You get to play fight-or-flight. Run away, or put up your dukes. Whichever you choose, get it done and move on. Don't be the guest who wouldn't leave the party. 

All this passionate peril sounds like fun and games, until you over-indulge. Then fear sticks to your body like kudzu in Mississippi. It will wrap into your thoughts, and creep out in your language.Your tongue will be speaking the words of fear. Yuck!

Ignorance comes a swayin' up to people and says, "hey, I'm cool. Don't look at my history, Don't check out facts. Don't research and DEFINITELY don't educate yourself. Just listen to what I tell you, and everything will be handy-dandy-lemon-candy." It is the used car salesman, selling ice to an Eskimo.

Some one with a smidge of intelligence and an unjust heart can use fear and ignorance to manipulate others. They will inch their way into the uneducated brain, listen to words of fear, then mirror back what's being said. Except the mirrored image will be savagely bigger. Luring in unsuspecting, naive persons. Hypnotizing soft, eager minds and pushing in alarming lies.

Ignorance allows fear to grow.

Wisdom is the smarty-pants of the family. It is the one who studies before speaking, understands before judging, responds before reacting. Yes, this is mucho to handle. Being wise is not something that happens after reading one self-help book, or even from reading one of my blog posts (although, this will get you mighty close!). If there were a pill I could give that brought wisdom in a swallow, I'd be tossing one to every person I met. But alas, you have to do your homework.

But hey! Whatever you want to know, there are angels attached to you. They are frothing at the mouth, awaiting your request to download whatever information you want. The info may not come in a book delivered by Amazon It will come in a more creative way. Such as over-hearing a talk show host discuss what has been troubling you. Or passing advice from a co-worker. Ask for what you want, then listen for the answer.
An aside: angels can't help until you ask.
It's all about that whole free will thing.

Angels are not on FaceBook, or even have email accounts. I know, weird, huh? Best way to reach them? Meditate. From there, you can also access your Spirit Guides, Inner Self, and some dang good knowledge.

Compassion is the helper. The one who rushes out in the rain, snow and sleet to help an elderly person cross the street, anonymously pays the gas bill of a neighbor so they don't get cut off, and volunteers to host a refugee family. Excuses as to why they can't help are not in their vocabulary. Caring about others is part of their make-up.

Feeling blue and need a good ear? You know which friend to call--the compassionate one who will listen with minimal judgment. They are the type you want to marry. Long-standing relationships are in every pocket of their jackets. Be sure to always have a couple on your cell phone speed dial.

Wisdom and compassion: when pasted together can get you flying.

So, these two languages? They don't understand one another. The second can be kind to the first, even understanding. But really get one another? Not happening here, folks.

An interpreter is needed. And this is called Love.

Love speaks all languages. It can listen to both sides and help each side listen to each other. It casts light on the shadow of fear, awareness to the ignorant, and boosts wisdom and compassion to become the servant of the highest good.

Where do you find love? Well, in your heart, silly. It is the heaven that is inside you. Once you peel back the onion-like layers of your outer self, you will discover your original language of love.

Onion peeling is a journey. There may be crying when you cut in. But hey! Who said the journey had to be overly difficult and dull? Sauteed, grilled, fried or raw, onions add flavor to our lives,

What I would like to know, are your experiences with fear, ignorance, wisdom, and compassion. What ways have you seen love swoop down and talk the talk of both sides. Your input adds the accent needed to build on the language of love. Please, add your comments at the end of the post.

Want some practical ways to get more spirituality in your life? Check out my book:
The Laughing Lynx

Dolphin Divine, 
Student of the Love Language

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Farm Our Future

All of the huhlabaloo we're going through in a Trump run country is exposing and intensifying fear and ignorance. It is part of an earth experience as the planet rises in vibration. But amidst the confusion, we can be looking ahead. The shadows will not last forever. What do we want, once the light has come back on?

Working together, we can plant the seeds of what we want to harvest. If we leave it to chance, who knows what we will end up with. This is our world. Let's set our earthly garden to the fruits that we prefer.

 Planning now as gardener custodians, our time of turmoil will be shortened. The Universe will not have to figure out what the heck we want. We'll have already put in our seed packet order. Create with our thoughts today what we want for our tomorrow.

Gardening Guidelines:

1. Keep your thoughts positive.
    The Universe does not comprehend the word 'no'. When I say that I don't want poverty, it only hears poverty. 'No, Against, Protest, Anti', these are all words that fall empty and meaningless in the quest for positive changes. What is left is exactly what we do not want.

Focus on what you want; bring it to life. Speak to the Universe in a language that it understands. It is filled with joy, bliss, peace, and love. That is where you need to come from as a gardener of the future. Speak the Native Tongue and you will be given what you want faster and easier. Think directly and clearly from your heart.

Rather than stating that you are against sexist comments, traffic, fracking, income inequality, keep to the positive.

2. Include everyone, as best you can.
    Our nation is being pulled apart. The gap between 'us' and 'them' is growing in too many groups to keep track of. There are the Republicans and Democrats. The Trump, Hillary, or previous Bernie supporters. Elite Liberals versus Rural America. Oligarchy families and the rest of us.

We can live in a garden that feeds us all. There is always a common ground. But finding it takes time. You need to be creative in your thinking. In the end, we all want the same things: peace, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.

The more you push your side of an issue, the more people will fight against you. Saying you are Pro-Life tramples the view of those who state they are Pro-Choice. The more you argue your side, the more aggressively people will defend theirs. But there is an outcome that both sides want: loved babies.

As tough of a pill 'all-inclusive' is to swallow, it is one we need to inch toward. How it will happen, leave that alone for now. The Universe has a way of offering creative solutions beyond what we may be at a loss for in our present view.

3. Act as if your garden has come to fruition.
   Call out, thank you! If you were to see a world with all our your positive, inclusive desires sprung to life, appreciation would be a wild rabbit nibbling on lettuce leaves and savoring every bite. You would be throwing up your hands in glee, dropping to the soil and rolling in the mud. What a joy to behold.

If you are being thankful for what you 'see', then the Universe will rush to get it to you.

Three sentence examples:
Thank you for the perfect amount of clean, fresh water that is easily accessible to all sentient beings.
I am grateful that every person has their basic housing needs met.
It is such a rewarding experience that the world values animals by treating them humanely.

Planting a garden takes vision, time, and energy. You do not stare at a plot of land and think that the seeds will be sowed by you just standing around thinking about it. You have to break the soil and sow the seeds. It takes work, but the labor can be joyful.

Now is the time to be planting the seeds for the fruits that we are ready to devour. Whether we want it to or not, the world is pushing forward to a higher frequency. Rather than resisting by focusing on fear and ignorance, start planning for this better world today. Now is the perfect time to start.

Write your sentence in the comment section. Share your creative voice.

Divine Dolphin,
One of many gardeners.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

First Dolphin Divine Post

First post on new blog! Unlimited possibilities! Come swim with me!

This is being started as a replacement for Accessible Spirituality for several reasons;

1. Accessible Spirituality was started to introduce spiritual seekers to options to try out on their spiritual path, such as gong therapy, earthing, chanting meditations, drumming, the list goes on and on. It was filled with practical, concrete examples. Over  time, the posts have been moving away from that goal. Time to start over.

2. Accessible Spirituality is easy to misspell. I do it all the time. Dolphin Divine is easy.

3. Dolphins are creative, joyous creatures. She is an animal I admire for her innate drive to work together for the good of their schools, or communities. I love that.

4. Consulting my Animal Medicine Cards about the best animal to guide me on this new spiritual venture, dolphin swam up. Quote from book, "If dolphin appeared to you today, you are to be a link to some solution for the Children of Earth".

My mission in this new blog is to be that link. I will convey my spiritual experiences, thoughts, and meditation downloads to you. From there you are invited to use the articles to expand and ease your own path.

As I have included daily meditation and spiritual seeking into my life for almost twenty years, I feel that I have at least a chip of an iceberg of knowledge that gives me a whiff of expertise in these areas. Well, maybe more like a vapor of a snowflake. But I'll take what I can get, and pass it on to you.

There will be a sprinkling of advice, tips and suggestions. Just like salt, these can be helpful and tasty, but too much can ruin even Grandma's Vegetable Soup. I will strive for balance.

Hopefully, I can be being a clear communicator in my writing. I want anybody to be able to understand what the heck I'm talking about.

And, the biggie: I want these posts to keep a stream of humor. Like music, song, and math, laughter is a connection.

Please comment as we travel along, in the designated box at the end of every post. Your ideas and reflections make this blog more interesting for all of us. As Aunty J used to say, "I already know what I think. I want to know what you're thinking." And she knew a wide river of splendiferous stuff.

One last thing, please purchase a book or two as the fancy suits you. The flow of profits helps me to keep offering my bliss of writing, of which I aim to serve you with bits of soulful nourishment.

Dolphins are divine, and so are you.