I'm unique. I'm the only person in this Universe who is EXTREMELY gifted in the art of knowing what other people are doing wrong. AND, I know how to fix their problem. Just ask me. This also applies to situations, politics, city planning, movies, books, and how peanut butter cookies should taste.
But when figuring out my wrong doings, my mind gets hazy. Critiques get misplaced. Things to Do list gets long and essential, especially cupboards that have not been cleaned out in over two years. Oh, and I'm busy doing...something.
And if someone does not like me, well, after fritting and fluttering about it for rather too long, I tend to find a reason it is their fault, not mine. I person who has a problem with me must have their medication completely whacked up, should be living in a straight jacket, or drank too much soda as an infant. I mean, I am always the perfect host, always say the correct thing, and am best buds with Miss Manners.
How could these facts be otherwise?
But there is this nagging, annoying, persistent personality tic with in me that will not SHUT UP. Actually, it is silent as a gliding hawk until I have solved the issues of the day. Then it swoops down, rips into my brain and attacks me with this life long habit: I want to be a better person. The only way to be better is to delve into my self when something doesn't feel right about my behavior.
That hawk can circle around me for decades, waiting until I am ready to listen. Damn patient bird of prey.
Are you wondering what I've learned about myself recently? That when I am confronted with something I don't understand, I can freak out. My mind whirls, reactions go wild, sane reasoning skills are tossed out like a bowl of rotten strawberries. Rather then using my own creative, thoughtful abilities to figure out what to do, I start the whining.
Not whining like a child, but horribly close. I will grab hold of strangers, my annoyed sons, overworked teachers, and anyone who is stupid enough to be crossing my path at my crises moment.
Here's the really funny part. When people do this to me, I get annoyed. Yes, it's true. I know, this is hard for you to understand. Because unlike me, you don't have the gift of knowing the vices of others and not your own.
Recently, someone got upset, freaked out, and bogged me down for help--I was not amused. Then, that nosy, good for nothing hawk came along and jammed an image of the last person who I had blasted for help. Rather than taking time to solve my own problem, I bombarded this person with questions and pleas for assistance.
Once again, the hawk had the better of me. He threatened me with razor claws and a malicious smile until I opened my eyes to the truth. I had been an idiot. So now, when presented with a problem, I will have the choice of freaking out, or figuring out. There is no more hiding behind that log in my eye. I know my failing, have faced it, and can't get out of the fact that I have a choice to do better.
Think of yourself. Is there an issue or person that annoys you? Chances are statistically high that at least something in there is a recognition of one of your failings. If you want to be a better person, search it out. If you don't see a connection, ask your angels for guidance. Or, to be even more brave, ask a friend.
'Know Thyself' was never meant to be an easy breezy lemon squeezy two-word phrase.
After torturing yourself with the self-analysis,
buy my latest book.
Certain to smooch out a chuckle or two:
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