Must have faith. Must be present. Must not sit at home and twiddle your thumbs.
What to read next? The Granddaddy of the Law of Attraction: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. You are probably like every other Abundance Seeker out there who has already read it. I feel like that clown in the corner, the one too ridiculous to have never sought it out. Like living in the 1960's and never having heard of the Beatles. So if you are in the minority as I am, or would like a fresh opinion on a Classic, keep reading. If you don't fall into one of those categories, read anyway. It will make me feel appreciated as a writer. Thank you.
Last night I got to Chapter Four, and here is what has hit me like the first time I visited a past life through an Akashic Record Reading...
set a date for your goal.
In other books, I've read that if you set a date, you could be limiting yourself. Something even bigger could have been planned for the next day. And I completely agree with that. So, in order to be open to the even bigger opportunity set for THE DAY AFTER, I am wording my goal with an allowance for more than I had asked for to occur. And, a continuous mind-set that the goal is the start of where I am heading. It is only getting better from here.
Setting a date has tamed the shrew of doubt within. Now, rather than focusing on the negative stuff that once kept me on a cycle, I'm seeing this as the last month of crap. Knowing that THE DAY AFTER, I will be living my dream, I'm taking the Affirmation with faith. The stuff that is hitting me now, has a shelf life. I can even hear the groans of the dying cycle.
A friend told my that the reason many people don't get what they want is because they were never clear. Vacillation is confusing to a listening Universe. Set a date and heal the Vertigo Disease.
And here is where it can get a might bit confusing. If you are so clear and set on what you want, options for even better stuff can get knocked aside like a tipped cow. Be clear in your intention, while leaving the door wide open for even better than you could have hoped for. Let your goal be a stepping stone.
Date setting can help with the faith part. It can also be the balm for being present. Rather than worrying about anxieties surrounding you, knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel may assist in freeing up your natural ability to be present. It's one thing to keep telling yourself to be in the in the Now, another to do it against a back drop of life stresses.
If you can legitimately tell yourself that the end of the bad will be gone by "Fill In Your Date Here", it's easier to knock clean away those ghastly stressors. Give them a shriek, a shrug, and a total blow-off. Tell them, "hey, you may be bad ass now, but just you wait until THE DAY AFTER. You won't even exist. Start packing, look for another home, move on. You ain't wanted here anymore."
Now don't go thinking that all you have to do is voice intentions twice a day. You have to be doing something toward it, every day. Want to sing in a Rock and Roll Band? Take a voice lesson and hang out with musicians. Want to join a circus? Learn how to ride a unicorn bike. Want to be a millionaire? Read the book every other Seeker has read.
My goal relates to writing--not a big surprise. So I listen to my Creative Writing teacher of oh, so long ago, and no-matter-how-tired, I write 'a line a day'.
Fill up that comment section at the end of this post. I am edge of seat smitten with knowing your intention, and watcha going to do about it.
And, buy a book. Add laughter to a kid's day, and support my THE DAY AFTER:
Dolphin Divine,
Dating Myself
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