Friday, February 16, 2018

Forced Family, Chosen Chums

How do we live with family? Different personalities within the framework of a shared biology. Each member with a personality that often conflicts with every other member. People who can dump their daily stress-crap onto your dinner plate, and still be part of your blood.

Why are we stuck with this lunacy?

Because we choose our birth, before we are born. Contract with our parents before conception. Are aware of who will be our siblings. We enter each life, conscious of what we are getting our selves into.

Wait. Hold on there, Schmuck. Shouldn't there be personality tests given to make our childhood flesh out smoothly, with those we will be interacting with for decades?

Why not seek out people who agree on where to keep the butter container, who should do the dishes, which movie to watch, whether or not to get a puppy.

Once we get going in each life, we decide who we are going to hang out with (aka friends). We pick people with similar viewpoints, commonalities, a sense of humor we appreciate. Why don't we do that with the people we are going to spend years with?

Families are about learning from one another, gaining some kind of knowledge, or appreciation. Could even be something as wild as wanting a break from several lifetimes with happy, wise, wealthy parents.

 It's often a first-time human life that gets really good parents. If there is nothing that has adversely affected us in a past life, then there is no wrong to make right. That first lifetime can be spent seeing earth as it really is, a playground for participants.

It is as we go along in lifetimes, that we start to build up things to correct or balance in the next lifetime. Perhaps in one lifetime, someone experiences physical abuse from a parent. In the next lifetime, that person could choose to become someone who works with abusive parents. Or even becomes an abusive parent--to experience what the parent felt.

Great news: If you choose to do something nasty in this lifetime, you can chop down that cycle by doing whatever it takes to become an excellent, healthy, loving person. Free will means we can alter our actions toward the good. Then, when it comes time to choose a spanking fresh new lifetime, we can latch on to one that is sportive, zesty and fun. No yucky stuff to work out.

If we dove into a family that is stocked with a good role models, it could be that we were smart in the pre-birth process. We made the decision to learn a needed lesson within the comfort and safety of a supportive family.

Hint: Law of Attraction even works after physical death.

Two thoughts on family stuff:
The thing about siblings is, you always have someone who just knows how crazy your childhood was.
Every parent becomes insane and ridiculous when kids become teens. Take a deep breath, and be okay with this fact about yourself. When your teens wind down into their thirties, you may just have learned a thing or two.

Dolphin Divine,
Student of motherhood; insane and ridiculous