Gardening gives me time to fix life's problems.
"A weed is a plant growing where you don't want it to be," my agricultural student friend, Lisa, informed me. I had expected to hear a definition of specific plants. Some terrifying Latin words like plantus horreeblay, wiccus plasma provoker, obnoxious beholden vista. Something that related to weeds alone. Her answer surprised me and got me to wondering.
If there are no 'bad' plants, could there also be no bad people, animals, or situation? If placed in a different place or time, a bad person could be welcome, even helpful.
Many people see Trump as a bad person. But stand back and look at the situation from a different angle. His demeaning words and actions against minorities, women, and too many people to list in one short blog post, have stirred up our country. Greed and fear have been exposed on a level that many of us did not know was so pervasive.
Now that we know the problems exist, we can work on changing our country for the better. Can't improve things when we didn't know the problems were so incredibly pervasive.
People across the nation are showing their appreciation of the bounty of our country. They are attending meet ups to call Senators and tell them what they want. Protests are everywhere. Intolerance is not being tolerated. Many politicians from the city to state are directing policies that are more in line with the desires of the people, over power and profit.
We are putting on our gardening gloves, tearing out years of deep-rooted wrong doings. The flowers of humanity that have always been there, now have a better chance at survival. Sunlight gains access to previously shaded beauties. Encouragement is given to new growths of healthy ideas.
'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step'. The regime in D.C. has coaxed us into beginning the journey of bettering our country. I have faith that we are up to the challenge. We are that kind of amazing.
Now that I've figured out the answer to how to create world peace, I go back to my present work. The critters who get fired up by my presence scatter about. Roly-poly bugs, long gorgeous worms, varieties of spiders, trail of ants. Best of show goes to the banana slug, treasured treat of the Pacific Northwest. I assure them all that, not only will they remain safe, but I will leave soon. It's their terrain, I'm an uninvited guest.
The bug's scamperings make me laugh. They are so busy and serious with their daily tasks. Just like us people. Always up to something. I assume that's how the gods and goddesses view us. Amusing and sweet, but over worried about earthly matters.
Romantic comedy is always a welcome read.
Dolphin Divine,
Solver Of Everything Under The Sun