The bridge to abundance is being thankful
When I first heard that quote, I was struck with the straight forward simplicity. But the more I have meddled, meditated,and messed with it, I've discovered more depth than lurks behind the eyes of our sweet puppies.
Oodles of being thankful times are planted smack on that which you already have. And just as a magician pulls a bunny from his hat, you will pull out revelations of self abundance. A Grateful Bridge that U-turns back to your loving heart.
Double Whammie: when you're feeling joy from your list of thankfuls, the Universe wants to give you more of it. The Universe likes you like that. It is a scout ever on patrol for treats that bring you joy. Did you know that? This doesn't just work for a select group of goodie-two-shoes, but applies to all of human kind. Yowza.
Universal math equation: Feel joy = Receive more joy
In our move to Costa Rica, many years ago, I found myself sick and homesick. No cell phones back then. E-mail use unavailable to me. No safety net to catch us should we fail at this journey. I became so sick, I can remember crawling to the bathroom toilet to vomit. On that long crawl, I knew this was not the negative space I wanted to be in. But how could I change what was going on around me?
It was hovering over the non-delightful toilet that I thought of being thankful for what I did have. No doubt, some ex-plumber spiritual guide whispered that epiphany to me. So I began the art of being thankful.
I was thankful for my boys, my breath (albeit stinky from vomit), indoor plumbing and salted Costa Rican plantain chips. Rivers, howler monkeys and jungles that reached the warm ocean water. That owl in our front yard tree who watched us when we drove in at night. Fresh fish we bought from the fisherman as they came ashore in their two-person boats. Coconuts local boys chopped down with machetes. Sand for castle making at the beach. I never became evolved enough to be thankful for the ticks, cockroaches or mosquitoes. I can only do so much in one life time.
It was also then that I coaxed our family to to saying thank you at every meal. Before bedtime, the boys and I said one thing we were thankful for from the day. A big hope of mine is that they'll remember our thanking traditions. I'll be one happy grandmother if they pass it on to their own kids.
Life got better. It filled with color once again. Being thankful became my way of climbing out of the sandpit of sadness and despair, whenever it should try and trap me again.
Back to the original quote, being thankful can also bring out your financial abundance. Train your thoughts to focus on your blessings. Kiss the stars for every cent in your piggy bank, every bill you're able to pay, the stuff that you threw down the money for within your home and on your back. Your money trail is endless. Hurl out gratitude for every purchase, past and present. It will boomerang back to you with more force than your arm could ever muster.
Abundance comes in many forms. If a joyful, peaceful life is what you long for, be thankful for what you already have.
I am thankful for the joy of having been a massage therapist. Three books from my fourteen years of experience are for sale. I am thankful for every purchase:
Dolphin Divine,
Abundant Bridge Crosser