Monday, March 27, 2017

How Split Tongues Can Come Together

There are two different languages:
First: Fear and Ignorance
Second: Wisdom and Compassion 

Fear is the danger pager. You get to play fight-or-flight. Run away, or put up your dukes. Whichever you choose, get it done and move on. Don't be the guest who wouldn't leave the party. 

All this passionate peril sounds like fun and games, until you over-indulge. Then fear sticks to your body like kudzu in Mississippi. It will wrap into your thoughts, and creep out in your language.Your tongue will be speaking the words of fear. Yuck!

Ignorance comes a swayin' up to people and says, "hey, I'm cool. Don't look at my history, Don't check out facts. Don't research and DEFINITELY don't educate yourself. Just listen to what I tell you, and everything will be handy-dandy-lemon-candy." It is the used car salesman, selling ice to an Eskimo.

Some one with a smidge of intelligence and an unjust heart can use fear and ignorance to manipulate others. They will inch their way into the uneducated brain, listen to words of fear, then mirror back what's being said. Except the mirrored image will be savagely bigger. Luring in unsuspecting, naive persons. Hypnotizing soft, eager minds and pushing in alarming lies.

Ignorance allows fear to grow.

Wisdom is the smarty-pants of the family. It is the one who studies before speaking, understands before judging, responds before reacting. Yes, this is mucho to handle. Being wise is not something that happens after reading one self-help book, or even from reading one of my blog posts (although, this will get you mighty close!). If there were a pill I could give that brought wisdom in a swallow, I'd be tossing one to every person I met. But alas, you have to do your homework.

But hey! Whatever you want to know, there are angels attached to you. They are frothing at the mouth, awaiting your request to download whatever information you want. The info may not come in a book delivered by Amazon It will come in a more creative way. Such as over-hearing a talk show host discuss what has been troubling you. Or passing advice from a co-worker. Ask for what you want, then listen for the answer.
An aside: angels can't help until you ask.
It's all about that whole free will thing.

Angels are not on FaceBook, or even have email accounts. I know, weird, huh? Best way to reach them? Meditate. From there, you can also access your Spirit Guides, Inner Self, and some dang good knowledge.

Compassion is the helper. The one who rushes out in the rain, snow and sleet to help an elderly person cross the street, anonymously pays the gas bill of a neighbor so they don't get cut off, and volunteers to host a refugee family. Excuses as to why they can't help are not in their vocabulary. Caring about others is part of their make-up.

Feeling blue and need a good ear? You know which friend to call--the compassionate one who will listen with minimal judgment. They are the type you want to marry. Long-standing relationships are in every pocket of their jackets. Be sure to always have a couple on your cell phone speed dial.

Wisdom and compassion: when pasted together can get you flying.

So, these two languages? They don't understand one another. The second can be kind to the first, even understanding. But really get one another? Not happening here, folks.

An interpreter is needed. And this is called Love.

Love speaks all languages. It can listen to both sides and help each side listen to each other. It casts light on the shadow of fear, awareness to the ignorant, and boosts wisdom and compassion to become the servant of the highest good.

Where do you find love? Well, in your heart, silly. It is the heaven that is inside you. Once you peel back the onion-like layers of your outer self, you will discover your original language of love.

Onion peeling is a journey. There may be crying when you cut in. But hey! Who said the journey had to be overly difficult and dull? Sauteed, grilled, fried or raw, onions add flavor to our lives,

What I would like to know, are your experiences with fear, ignorance, wisdom, and compassion. What ways have you seen love swoop down and talk the talk of both sides. Your input adds the accent needed to build on the language of love. Please, add your comments at the end of the post.

Want some practical ways to get more spirituality in your life? Check out my book:
The Laughing Lynx

Dolphin Divine, 
Student of the Love Language

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Farm Our Future

All of the huhlabaloo we're going through in a Trump run country is exposing and intensifying fear and ignorance. It is part of an earth experience as the planet rises in vibration. But amidst the confusion, we can be looking ahead. The shadows will not last forever. What do we want, once the light has come back on?

Working together, we can plant the seeds of what we want to harvest. If we leave it to chance, who knows what we will end up with. This is our world. Let's set our earthly garden to the fruits that we prefer.

 Planning now as gardener custodians, our time of turmoil will be shortened. The Universe will not have to figure out what the heck we want. We'll have already put in our seed packet order. Create with our thoughts today what we want for our tomorrow.

Gardening Guidelines:

1. Keep your thoughts positive.
    The Universe does not comprehend the word 'no'. When I say that I don't want poverty, it only hears poverty. 'No, Against, Protest, Anti', these are all words that fall empty and meaningless in the quest for positive changes. What is left is exactly what we do not want.

Focus on what you want; bring it to life. Speak to the Universe in a language that it understands. It is filled with joy, bliss, peace, and love. That is where you need to come from as a gardener of the future. Speak the Native Tongue and you will be given what you want faster and easier. Think directly and clearly from your heart.

Rather than stating that you are against sexist comments, traffic, fracking, income inequality, keep to the positive.

2. Include everyone, as best you can.
    Our nation is being pulled apart. The gap between 'us' and 'them' is growing in too many groups to keep track of. There are the Republicans and Democrats. The Trump, Hillary, or previous Bernie supporters. Elite Liberals versus Rural America. Oligarchy families and the rest of us.

We can live in a garden that feeds us all. There is always a common ground. But finding it takes time. You need to be creative in your thinking. In the end, we all want the same things: peace, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.

The more you push your side of an issue, the more people will fight against you. Saying you are Pro-Life tramples the view of those who state they are Pro-Choice. The more you argue your side, the more aggressively people will defend theirs. But there is an outcome that both sides want: loved babies.

As tough of a pill 'all-inclusive' is to swallow, it is one we need to inch toward. How it will happen, leave that alone for now. The Universe has a way of offering creative solutions beyond what we may be at a loss for in our present view.

3. Act as if your garden has come to fruition.
   Call out, thank you! If you were to see a world with all our your positive, inclusive desires sprung to life, appreciation would be a wild rabbit nibbling on lettuce leaves and savoring every bite. You would be throwing up your hands in glee, dropping to the soil and rolling in the mud. What a joy to behold.

If you are being thankful for what you 'see', then the Universe will rush to get it to you.

Three sentence examples:
Thank you for the perfect amount of clean, fresh water that is easily accessible to all sentient beings.
I am grateful that every person has their basic housing needs met.
It is such a rewarding experience that the world values animals by treating them humanely.

Planting a garden takes vision, time, and energy. You do not stare at a plot of land and think that the seeds will be sowed by you just standing around thinking about it. You have to break the soil and sow the seeds. It takes work, but the labor can be joyful.

Now is the time to be planting the seeds for the fruits that we are ready to devour. Whether we want it to or not, the world is pushing forward to a higher frequency. Rather than resisting by focusing on fear and ignorance, start planning for this better world today. Now is the perfect time to start.

Write your sentence in the comment section. Share your creative voice.

Divine Dolphin,
One of many gardeners.