First post on new blog! Unlimited possibilities! Come swim with me!
This is being started as a replacement for Accessible Spirituality for several reasons;
1. Accessible Spirituality was started to introduce spiritual seekers to options to try out on their spiritual path, such as gong therapy, earthing, chanting meditations, drumming, the list goes on and on. It was filled with practical, concrete examples. Over time, the posts have been moving away from that goal. Time to start over.
2. Accessible Spirituality is easy to misspell. I do it all the time. Dolphin Divine is easy.
3. Dolphins are creative, joyous creatures. She is an animal I admire for her innate drive to work together for the good of their schools, or communities. I love that.
4. Consulting my Animal Medicine Cards about the best animal to guide me on this new spiritual venture, dolphin swam up. Quote from book, "If dolphin appeared to you today, you are to be a link to some solution for the Children of Earth".
My mission in this new blog is to be that link. I will convey my spiritual experiences, thoughts, and meditation downloads to you. From there you are invited to use the articles to expand and ease your own path.
As I have included daily meditation and spiritual seeking into my life for almost twenty years, I feel that I have at least a chip of an iceberg of knowledge that gives me a whiff of expertise in these areas. Well, maybe more like a vapor of a snowflake. But I'll take what I can get, and pass it on to you.
There will be a sprinkling of advice, tips and suggestions. Just like salt, these can be helpful and tasty, but too much can ruin even Grandma's Vegetable Soup. I will strive for balance.
Hopefully, I can be being a clear communicator in my writing. I want anybody to be able to understand what the heck I'm talking about.
And, the biggie: I want these posts to keep a stream of humor. Like music, song, and math, laughter is a connection.
Please comment as we travel along, in the designated box at the end of every post. Your ideas and reflections make this blog more interesting for all of us. As Aunty J used to say, "I already know what I think. I want to know what you're thinking." And she knew a wide river of splendiferous stuff.
One last thing, please purchase a book or two as the fancy suits you. The flow of profits helps me to keep offering my bliss of writing, of which I aim to serve you with bits of soulful nourishment.
Dolphins are divine, and so are you.